Policy For The Protection Of Children And Adolescents And The Prevention Of Commercial Sexual Exploitation And Human Trafficking
OSHPITALITY GROUP and its collaborators work to prevent the commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in the areas where it operates, committed to ensuring compliance with Laws 1329 and 1336 of 2009. This commitment allows us to always safeguard the lives and rights of children and adolescents.
1. Verification of documentation upon entry.
2. Suspicion of a minor being a victim of CSE (Commercial Sexual Exploitation) or human trafficking.
3. Report to the Head of Security, who will verify the information and inform Management.
4. Management reports to the relevant authorities:
Tourism Police: +57 3002133003
Children and Adolescents Police: +57 3203061324
National Police: 123
ICBF: Line 141 – National toll-free line 018000 91 80 80
Attorney General’s Office: Line 122 – National toll-free line 018000522020