We believe in social impact through innovative Oshpitality. Help us change the world one person at a time!
Balance between the environment and the community.
We contribute to the reduction of global climate change
We focus on the good health of our employees
We protect and restore water resources
We protect and improve biodiversity and the ecosystem
We promote the cycle of sustainable and regenerative materials
No one takes better care of a home like its owner; this is the reason why a large portion of our hotel team are locals from the city, Cartagena. Nobody knows the city like they do, nor loves the city like they do, there is no doubt that they will give you the best experience no other person will give you. For this reason, at the end, you’ll love Cartagena, as much as we do.
There is the service, then there is the hospitality and then… well… then there is the OSHpitality
¡Welcome to OSH!
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